Go to the “Setup” tab and select “Legal Entity Setup” in the left column. Then click on “Add legal entity”, at the top right.
Enter your correct business name and country.
The “miscellaneous details” form is now displayed. Only the fields marked with a red star need to be filled in.
Company registration number: Your company number (VAT number without BE).
Place of registration: Place where your company is registered.
Register of legal entities: Enter the UBO here.
Type of business: your company form, such as NV (public limited company), BVBA (private limited company), VZW (non-profit association), VOF (general partnership) etc.
Click on “Save and continue”.
Verify your address details on the next screen and make sure Luminus is checked as a customer.
Enter your VAT number in the format BE0999999999 or BE1999999999.
Click on “Save and continue.
Next, choose how you wish to receive your payments.
It is important to choose “bank account” as the payment type.
Then click on “save and continue.”
Bank account country/region: Belgium.
Bank name: enter the name of your bank.
Account number: take the nine digits shown in bold from your own IBAN Number, e.g. BE79735024070233.
Confirm account number: repeat the “account number”.
IBAN: enter your full IBAN number here.
Confirm IBAN: enter your full IBAN number again here.
SWIFT/BIC code: enter your SWIFT/BIC-code here.
Click “save and continue”.
On the next screen, click “next” and then “done”.
The screen below will then be displayed.